Anxiety: Is feeling scared, worried or panicked about something. 

Bipolar Disorder: A disorder where mood can become extremely high or low, with episodes lasting for days or weeks on end.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Helps to treat various mental health conditions by changing the way you think and behave.

Depression: A mood disorder that makes one feel a sense of persistent extreme sadness

Eating Disorders

Fear: Is feeling scared which may be due to danger, harm or perceived danger or harm. 

General anxiety disorder

Help and support: There are people inside and outside school who can help and support you.

Insomnia: A sleep disorder characterised by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both.

stigma, access to healthcare or social isolation. 

Kely Support: is a bilingual charity which provides support to the youth in Hong Kong. 

Loneliness: Loneliness is being alone when you don't want to be or feeling alone when you are with others. 

LGBT+ and mental health

The LGBTQIA+ community a more likely to have challenges with mental health. This may be due to discrimination,


Obsessive compulsive disorder: Being obsessed with a stimulus causing a compulsive reaction.

Psychosis: The loss of some contact with reality with possible hallucinations and delusions. 

Phobia: Is an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation 

Panic Attack: Is a sudden and intense feeling of fear and anxiety. It can happen quite suddenly and feel overwhelming or scary. 

Resilience: The capacity to withstand or bounceback from challenges and difficulties.

Stress: Stress is a normal response to life’s changes, pressures, and challenges. It’s a mind-and-body signal that helps you get ready for what’s ahead. 

Sleep: Is especially important for teens mental, physical, social, and emotional development - promotes attention, memory, and analytical thought. 

Self-harm: Causing emotional or physical pain to oneself. 

Suicide and suicidal thinking: When a person takes or thinks about taking their own life. If you are concerned about yourself or others, call 999 immediately. 

Tics & Tourettes: Involuntary movements that can interrupt everyday routine. Tourettes is a syndrome that affects your nervous system which can cause tics.

Uxorphobia: The fear of being in a crowded place.

Weez Project: A HK community group that is working to increase awareness of youth mental health issues and campaigning to prevent youth suicide.  They have annual fundraising walks to raise money for KELY support charity. 

Yoga: It can help with mindfulness, relaxation or just for enjoyment. 

Keep learning

Learning does not have to take place only in an academic setting like school. It encompasses many things such as learning a new instrument, sport, language or even working on a new hobby. In addition to enhancing self-esteem, achieving your learning goals have proven to increase levels of wellbeing.

Reference: Mind UK



Expand your vocabulary

Is the word of the day one that you're familiar with?


Watching a documentary is a fantastic way to learn about different topics that you are interested in. There are a number of different topics that you could delve into: animals, technology, science, history... the options are endless.

Click the link here for some suggestions on what shows you can watch on Netflix.

Learning from your hobbies

Picking up a new hobby allows you to learn new skills in a fun and engaging manner.

There are the usual activities such as learning a new language, playing an instrument, or even drawing. However, other things such as learning how to cook, crochet, and rock climb might be an unexpected way to harness your creativity or build on your physical skills.

This article here contains some questions for you to reflect on when choosing a new hobby.

Additional Resources

Year 10 & 11
Examinations Website